Thursday, February 25, 2016

Inner beauty of YD

    In class, we are learned about a poem called mountain poem by Rupi Kaur.It says that inner beauty is important than outer beauty. I think Yangdding ( YD , 양띵 ) is a person that I think she have great inner beauty. Some of people will be know who is YD and someone will be not. I will introduce who is YD. YD is the nickname of person. Her real name is Yang Jiyeong. She is famous creator in Korea she play a game name 'Minecraft' , 'LOL' or 'GTA' and other kinds of games. She have youtube channel and subscriber is over 1,600,000. She got a golden button since 2014 and she is now 27 years old. I want to interview her but I can't because she was so famous and hard to know phone number. I know her email address so I sand it but there was no answer. I found the great interview video with YD and reporter(other videos too). It is Korean video so I will write Korean sentence and I will try to translate it.                                                               

Q.앞으로의 목표는?     What is your goal?

A. 크리에이터가 어떻게 되어야하는지 어디서 배우고 그런걸 궁금해하는 사람이 생길것 같다고 생각해요. 그래서 그런걸 알려주는 멘토일을 많이 하고싶어요. 그리고 또 다른 목표는 양띵으로서에서 더욱더 높아지는것이 아니라 저를 도와주었던 스텝들과 멤버들을 안정적으로 수익을 낼수있도록 그것을 목표로 하고있습니다.

Later, I think there will be people who want to be a creator and want to learn. There will be people who will curious about 'creator'. I want to be and work like a mentor to explain what is creator ext.. The another goal is don't go more higher (famous , popular) in nickname YD, the goal is make some of staff and members more stability for have profit. Because she think have staff and member have stability is more helpful.

Q. 이 일을 하면서 힘들었던점은?    What was the difficult things during have a work?

A. 남들에겐 게임이 취미이지만 그런데 저한테서는 취미면서도 일도하니까 취미를 잃어버린느낌?방송시간이 밤 시간대라 친구들도 자주 못만나고 그게 제일 힘들었습니다.

For others game is hobby or likes to play but, for me game will be my hobby and work. So I think I am loosing my hobby...  Broadcasting(?) time is usually night so I can't meet my friends it was a very difficult things for have time with friends.

I think she have good inner beauty she care her staff and member first. She have very good leader ship when I saw video that she play a games. Also she is kind and brave. There is a quote ' Happy is the name who is living by his hobby'  I think this quote and YD's life is similar 
 because YD is living by her hobby also do her works too. 

I think I have lots of spelling mistakes and have sentence that you can't know. I try best to translate it.  :D  Thank you! 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

10 Things Only Girls Who Like Sports Will Understand

10 Things Only Girls Who Like Sports Will Understand 

Many girls don't like sports, because they think it is boring or they don't like to run or using legs. When we do sports we can have injury so some of girls can worry about injury. I think sports are good for us. It's helps being more healthy and it helps to grow up. We'll be more active because sports. Sports will make us more taller and more healthy. It is good for do diet. I like sports because it makes me life more better and it makes me happy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What was the proudest moment in my whole life?

I think my proudest moment was in the swimming competition because I knew how to swim better and to be better at swimming. I felt so proud that I was in a swimming competition.