Thursday, May 19, 2016

How to do Entertaining and Interactive presentations?

Today blog task is think about my action assembly and exhibition day. Then write about how I can make my (our) presentations interactive and interesting.
Explain what I plan for action assembly and exhibition day.

My first idea for make our presentations interactive and interesting is..
Having a fun video and some cartoons because if we just stand up and speaking it will be boring and audience will be boring too. When we have cartoon it will be more easier to understand about our topic.

My second idea for make presentations interactive and interesting is..
Having a some acting and changing our voice. The reason is when we change our voice and acting it is more fun not boring. Audiences will be liked to watched and they will addicted. 

My third idea for make presentations interactive and interesting is..
Having some question time and quiz time! The reason is if we have question time we can share what I know and other can know more about our topic. (water pollution ) When we have quiz time I think audience will be join together and have good time!

I think this three ideas will be make our presentations interactive and interesting!!

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