Friday, May 27, 2016

What did I do?

★ What did I do today? ★
Today I have exhibition time, swimming class(P.E) and music class !

★ What did I do during exhibition time? ★
During exhibition time I was reading my writing and correct the spelling.
I think about what Exhibition presentation and finding some experiment relate to water. 

★ What did I do during swimming class(P.E)? ★
We divide group and we swim freestyle, backstroke, warm up and breaststroke.
After we finish our swimming we have free time! During free time I was just swimming with my friend.

★ What did I do during music class? ★
During music class we decide our spot for singing. I was almost the end of the one straight line because I was tall. We sang a song named " Heal the world " and " At the beginning ".

★ I want/think I want to be more good at... ★ 

During music class : Memorise lyrics of song named Heal the world " and " At the beginning.

During exhibition class : Next time I want to find more video about water experiment and finishing writing.

During swimming class :  Next time I will try to swim best.

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