Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Is Taking Notes Important Or Not

Do you think taking notes will be important to our life?
Before I watch video I think taking notes will be not important. 
After I watch video I think taking notes is important to our life.
Video website : The Importance of Taking Notes

Questions about video and my answer is...

What do you notice about video?
I notice taking note is very important to our lifes.
I notice this video is old because we can notice what we did on that day and what we learned. In the future we can have happy memories.

Do you agree or disagree with the video?
I agree with the video.

What makes you have that opinion?
This video make me write notes during study or class time. The reason is if we don't have notes we can forgot what we did and if we taking a notes it's easier to memorizing.

Sorce: http://40.media.tumblr.com/77cf976c22510c6de8c893624e96f0bb/tumblr_inline_nu5b5az37U1rjz7am_500.jpg

1 comment:

  1. I also, agree. Note taking is very important!
