Friday, April 29, 2016

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition #2

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition

What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
  • We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
  • Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
  • In partners, we will use English.
  • When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean/Chinese.
  • In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.

Weekly self-assessment for language usage (Put an X next to your answer.)
This week I was able to use English and Korean/Chinese as per the class expectations.
  • Yes
  • Mostly
  • Not always - X
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
  • Class discussion - X
  • Teams in English
  • Pairs in English
  • Solo in English
  • Switch back after using Korean/Chinese - X
Strategies I used this week:
  • I used Korean/Chinese when I:
    • Asked a question - X
    • Expressed an idea
    • Clarified a word - X
    • Clarified a phrase
    • Elaborated my ideas
    • Took notes
    • Worked in a team
    • Worked in a pair - X
    • Worked alone
    • Joked around - X
    • Had social conversation
  • I used English when I:
    • Asked a question
    • Expressed an idea
    • Clarified a word
    • Clarified a phrase
    • Elaborated my ideas
    • Took notes - X
    • Worked in a team
    • Worked in a pair
    • Worked alone - X
    • Joked around
    • Had social conversation

Look at your goal from last week. Did you accomplish your goal this week? What did you do that helped you accomplish it? or Should you have done to better meet your goal?

This week I am most proud of: Starting exhibition and making/choosing team name, topic and central idea ..

Next week my goal is: Using more english during exhibition!

Thursday, April 28, 2016


             Fourteenth day to learn about PYPX

    Today blog task is looking BLOB TREE picture and write about why I am this person. In this picture they looks like different and they all having a different action. I think I am this person(What I circle) because our exhibition group member are 3 people. In this picture they all looks like friendly together. Our group members are very friendly each other too. In this picture they are all caring together so I think this picture will be me and our group because we are helping each other and caring! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Choosing Team Name and First Mentor Meeting

              Thirteenth day to learn about PYPX

Today, we decide a group name and having a first mentors meeting!

Our group name is JYPWD. JYPWD meaning is...
J=  Jiyoung
Y= Yerin
P= Pollution
D= Damdam

When we choose our team name it was fun because ..
In Korean JYP is famous company(entertainment). 
When I think WD I think it was Walt Disney. Our group was all laughing.

We have first mentor meeting. Our mentor teacher are Ms.Slipp and Ms.Kim. I think it was fun. Mentor meeting will be good during exhibition because today our mentor teacher give good feedback.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Choosing Our Exhibition Topic

           Twelfth day to learn about PYPX

What did I today?

Today in exhibition class we divide class to MA and RC. We worked with exhibition group members. Then we talk about witch topic what I am interesting at. There was four idea Child labor, Plastic Surgery, Water Pollution and playing Minecraft during class time. We talk and talk witch idea is good. We choose water pollution because water pollution is most important things around Jeju island. We write on PYPX hand book about what I already knew, topic connects, issues and think topic relates to what trans-disciplinary theme. Next we write Key concept questions but we don't have enough time so we can't finish it. We have some website a name managebac and we choose time for meeting with teacher mentor.

How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve?

I think I did well. Because I think I share many ideas with our members. I share topic what I am interesting at ... I think I need to improve on sharing more ideas.

What's my next plan?

My next plan is using less Korean. Don't forgive !!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Meeting my exhibitoin team

               Eleventh day to learn about PYPX

 Today I meet my exhibition group and we divide class room MA and RC. I was RC, Now I become MA class! Our exhibition group member is Hyodam and Yerin. I think I was lucky because I want to be group with Hyodam or Yerin. We wrote group agreements. Before we started exhibition I was worried about exhibition but now.. I think exhibition will be very fun!!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition #1

                    Tenth day to learn about PYPX

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition

What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
  • We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
  • Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
  • In partners, we will use English.
  • When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean/Chinese.
  • In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.

Weekly self-assessment for language usage (Put an X next to your answer.)
This week I was able to use English and Korean/Chinese as per the class expectations.
  • Yes
  • Mostly
  • Not always - X
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
  • Class discussion
  • Teams in English
  • Pairs in English
  • Solo in English - X
  • Switch back after using Korean/Chinese
Strategies I used this week:
  • I used Korean/Chinese when I:
    • Asked a question - X
    • Expressed an idea
    • Clarified a word - X
    • Clarified a phrase
    • Elaborated my ideas
    • Took notes
    • Worked in a team - X
    • Worked in a pair
    • Worked alone
    • Joked around - X
    • Had social conversation
  • I used English when I:
    • Asked a question
    • Expressed an idea
    • Clarified a word
    • Clarified a phrase
    • Elaborated my ideas
    • Took notes - X
    • Worked in a team
    • Worked in a pair
    • Worked alone - X
    • Joked around
    • Had social conversation

This week I am most proud of: Write lots of blog about exhibition!

Next week my goal is: Having more communicate with others!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

6 Transdisciplinary Themes

                 Ninth day to learn about PYPX

There is six different kinds of themes. Theme's name are How we organize our selves, How we express ourselves, How the world work, Sharing the planet, Where we are in place and time and Who we are. And I have Questions and answers about question. 

Q. Which theme are you most interested in learning about?
A. I am interested to learn ' Sharing the Planet '.

Q. Why are you interested in this theme?
A. I am interested to learn ' Sharing the Planet ' because in ' Sharing the Planet ' we learn lots of things about nature, pollution... It have lots of new things to learn.

Q. What is interesting about it?
A. I am interesting to learn about nature.(ex. pollution, nature)


Picture :

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Nature is Speaking

                                 Eighth day to learn about PYPX

Today our blogging task is about watching video and answering questions!

                                               This is video what I watch!

Q.How did watching the video make you feel?
A. This video make me feel little worried because when we don't have shelter how can we survive?

Q. What did it make you think?
A. This video make me think shelter is very important things for animals and people.

Q.What question do you have?
A. I wonder it there is no shelter for animal or people how can we/they will living?

Q.What action do you think humans might need to take?
A. I think humans need to take care of nature. The reason is when plants are dying nature will be destroy(?). There will be no shelter for animals and there will be no more space for our shelter.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016


 Seventh day to learn about PYPX ~

Today, we learned about bilingualism. Bilingualism means you or other people speaking 2 or more language. I am a bilingualism because I can speak Korean and English. There are 6 different types of bilingualism. Six types of bilingualism are Semi-bilingual, Passive bilingual, Compound & Dominant bilingual, Co-ordinate bilingual, Balanced bilingual and  Ambi & Equilingual bilingual. I think I'm in level 3 because I think I am more proficient in Korean. I hope I will be level 6. If I want to be at level 6 I need to work harder and harder, don't give up.

Monday, April 18, 2016


                 Sixth day to learn about PYPX

 Today at school, we learned about action. We learned 4 types of action. Researching, direct action, Indirect Action and Advocacy!! I have taken action when I was Grade 4 and this action called direct action. I donate money to poor people. For have enough food, clothes... When I was donate money I was proud by my self because I help people and I can change someone's life from donating money.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


      3 & 4 day PYPX - OverNight Experience

  Last Wednesday and Thursday,was very special day because we have overnight experience in our school with class mates! We have lots of games. (ex. Human knots,Unmusical chairs, Catch me if you can and Balloon war..) One activity what I like to play was ballon war!


  One of my memorable on Wednesday was free time and sleepover. In free time I was act like ghost to surprise teacher and friends. Another fun things in free time is Chinese teacher(I for got his name) draw the picture and it was so funny. In sleeping time it was hard to sleep because I was normally sleep at almost 1 o'clock and it was too early to sleep because it was only 9 o'clock! I just lie down and talk with Hyodam. When our class mates lie down one teacher came and have yoga music and makes to sleep. It was hard to sleep because it was so early ,I miss my mom and there was not my home. I was sleeping at almost 1:00 ~ 2:00 in school.


  One of my memorable on Thursday was riding a bike to Gotjawal. When I was riding bike to Gotjawal it was fun because it was easy to ride and it was cool. When I arrived at parking lot I can see my home because my home is very nearly to Gotjawal. I really want to go my home but I can't.. We went Gotjawal there was lots of plants but there was lots of insects too. We have lunch when we arrived top of the Gotjawal. We take class picture and go back for ride bikes. It was hard to go back to school because it was uphill road and every one was so slow. When I back to ice rink with Hyodam we was first person who arrived. We go back to school center and have reflection.

                    - The End -
  It was fun to have over night experience next time I want to have one more chance to have overnight experience.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

2 Day PYPX

      Second day to learn about PYPX

  Today blog task is "Do you think commitment will be important during Exhibition?" I think being committed during PYPX is  really a important. When we be not committed group members and teacher will be disappointed to me. And during exhibition we need to have positive mind and don't forgive. I think I need to be committed during PYPX because it will be great things to learn.

Monday, April 11, 2016

1 Day PYPX

     First day to learn about PYPX

 Today we started PYPX . First our teacher handed PYPX hand book. I was very nervous and exited to think we are starting PYPX. We look hand book and when I looked it looks like very hard. After we have lunch and lunch recess we have another 2 period to have PYPX. In that period we have group and we sorted the definition of the word and connects the word. It was little boring and little excited.

Monday, April 4, 2016

PYP Exhibition

                                     PYP Exhibition

What excites you about the PYPX?
I am exited about have group working and researching. I am excited about I can learn new facts.

What worries you about the PYPX?
I am worried about cooperating with group and 
 What do you need to know about the PYPX?
I need to know about facts about our topic.

What is you stance or opinion on the PYPX?  
I think it will be good chance to know about topic.
I think it will be challenge to find fact.