Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Choosing Our Exhibition Topic

           Twelfth day to learn about PYPX

What did I today?

Today in exhibition class we divide class to MA and RC. We worked with exhibition group members. Then we talk about witch topic what I am interesting at. There was four idea Child labor, Plastic Surgery, Water Pollution and playing Minecraft during class time. We talk and talk witch idea is good. We choose water pollution because water pollution is most important things around Jeju island. We write on PYPX hand book about what I already knew, topic connects, issues and think topic relates to what trans-disciplinary theme. Next we write Key concept questions but we don't have enough time so we can't finish it. We have some website a name managebac and we choose time for meeting with teacher mentor.

How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve?

I think I did well. Because I think I share many ideas with our members. I share topic what I am interesting at ... I think I need to improve on sharing more ideas.

What's my next plan?

My next plan is using less Korean. Don't forgive !!

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