~ Seventh day to learn about PYPX ~
Today, we learned about bilingualism. Bilingualism means you or other people speaking 2 or more language. I am a bilingualism because I can speak Korean and English. There are 6 different types of bilingualism. Six types of bilingualism are Semi-bilingual, Passive bilingual, Compound & Dominant bilingual, Co-ordinate bilingual, Balanced bilingual and Ambi & Equilingual bilingual. I think I'm in level 3 because I think I am more proficient in Korean. I hope I will be level 6. If I want to be at level 6 I need to work harder and harder, don't give up.
I think good word choices made high quality of your writing. But I think maybe saying 'I am a bilingual person because I can speak Korean and English' is better because bilingualism means just 'speaking two languages', not the 'person who can speak two languages'.